French Language Complete Grammar
French Grammar is the most important sector of French Language.
Les pronoms sujets (The subject pronouns)
Le verbe "être" (The verb "être")
Le verbe "avoir" et ses usages (The verb "avoir" et its usages) - Present Tense
Les articles indéfinis (The indefinite articles)
Les articles définis (The definite articles)
Pluriel des noms (Plural of nouns)
Introduction et accord des adjectifs (Introduction and accord of adjectives)
Féminin des adjectifs - Part 1 (Feminine of adjectives)
Pluriel des adjectifs - Part 2 ( Plural of adjectives)
Le verbe "aller" (The verb "aller") (to go) - Present Tense
3 groups of verbs
Group 1 regular verbs "er" endings = present
Liste des verbes -er (Commonly used -er verbs)
Les prépositions complexes (Complex prepositions)
Les prépositions simples (Simple prepositions with the help of opposites)
Group 2 regular verbs -ir endings = present
Liste des verbes -ir (Commonly used -ir verbs)
La négation - Part 1 (The negation)
Le verbe "faire" (The verb "faire")
Les Adjectifs Possessifs (The Possessive Adjectives) - I
Les Adjectifs Possessifs (The Possessive Adjectives) - Extra Practice
Les Adjectifs Démonstratifs (The Demonstrative Adjectives)
Les Adjectifs Intérrogatifs (The Interrogative Adjectives)
Les Adjectifs Intérrogatifs (The Interrogative Adjectives) -Extra Practice
Les articles contractés avec "à" (The contracted articles with "à")
Les articles contractés avec "de" (The contracted articles with "de")
Les articles partitifs
Négation des articles indéfinis et partitifs (Negative of indefinite and partitive articles) - Part 2
L'interrogation - 3 formes - Part 1 (The interrogation)
L'interrogation avec inversion - Part 2 (Interrogation with inversion)
Répondre aux questions (Oui/Non/Si) (Replying to the questions)
Répondre aux questions (Oui/Non/Si) (Replying to the questions) - Along with examples
Les verbes -re (Introduction to regular -re verbs)
Les verbes irréguliers -re (The irregular -re verbs) - Part 1
Les verbes irréguliers -re (The irregular -re verbs) - Part 2
Les verbes irréguliers -re (The irregular -re verbs) - Part 3
Les verbes pronominaux (The pronominal verbs)
Liste des verbes pronominaux (Commonly used pronominal verbs)
Les adverbes intérrogatifs (Introduction to interrogative adverbs)
Asking where questions
Asking why questions
Asking how questions
Asking when questions
Asking questions by how many
Savoir (To know) - Present Tense
Connaître (To know) - Present Tense
Passé Composé (Introduction to Past Tense)
Passé Composé avec "Avoir" (Irregular verbs) (Past Tense with avoir) - Part 2
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